FAQs for Merchandisers
This section of the website is dedicated to providing answers to the most common questions asked by staff members.
What is an open job invite?
How do I order uniform?
Are you having trouble logging onto the myflex app?
What is the Reliability Index?
Can I still work if I live in an area that has been locked down?
Who do I contact for assistance?
Who do I notify if I know I'll be late to a shift, or if I won't be able to make it at all?
How do I manage my availability?
What is an open job invite?
The logistics team at head office is responsible for setting up jobs on flex and allocating members of field staff to work the shifts. Sometimes, there may be occasions where shifts need to be filled quickly, so the logistics team utilise a tool called the open job invite.
If you receive an ‘open job invite’ notification on your smartphone, you will then be directed to open the myflex app and state whether you are interested in working a particular job. If you answer ‘yes’, please note that this does not mean that you will be automatically placed onto the job.
The responses are sent back to the logistics team, who will then send out a job link to those persons who are selected for the job (they usually decide on a first-come-first-served basis). If you receive a job link and confirm acceptance, then you’ll know for sure that you have been placed onto the job. You will be able to view the job details by clicking on the ‘My Jobs’ tab on the home page of myflex. The job will appear under ‘Current Jobs’.
How do I order uniform?
From the home page of the myflex app, click on ‘My Profile’, and then click on the ‘Uniform’ tab, followed by the ‘Add Uniform’ button. Uniform requests are processed and sent to the address we have for you on the system.
If you haven’t received your uniform, you must still wear appropriate attire on every job. You must wear black safety boots (you can purchase these yourself for a reasonable price and claim back up to £20.00 towards the cost via the expenses process), black trousers, and either a black t-shirt or polo shirt.
Are you having trouble logging onto the myflex app?
If this is the case, please try to reset your password by clicking the ‘Reset Password’ button on the login screen.
What is the Reliability Index?
The reliability index is the key to your success at RMS. Every member of staff is scored out of 100, which can be viewed on your profile on the myflex app. The higher your score, the more likely it is that’ll you’ll be offered work in the future, and the more opportunities you’ll have access to.
Actions which will negatively affect your reliability index score include not responding to a job link, failing to turn up for a shift after you’ve accepted it, and not turning up for a shift without an acceptable reason.
We have introduced Hastee Pay, an exciting feature which will allow members of staff to get paid early (up to 50% of owed wages), without having to wait for pay day. But Hastee is linked to the Reliability Index, so only those with a high score will be able to use this feature.
Can I still work if I live in an area that has been locked down?
Yes. Everyone who works for RMS is classed as a key worker, because of our continuing efforts in supporting our retail partners to keep the nation fed. That means you are allowed to work outside of the county you live in.
Who do I contact for assistance?
If you would like to speak to someone from the logistics team, please dial 02922 800 444 and press 1. Alternatively, send an email to logistics@rms.uk.com.
If you would like to speak to someone from the finance team, please dial 02922 800 444 and press 2. Alternatively, send an email to payroll@rms.uk.com.
Who do I notify if I know I'll be late to a shift, or if I won't be able to make it at all?
It’s crucial that you let the logistics team know about lateness or non-attendance. To do so, log into the myflex app, and click on ‘Support’ from the home page. Next, click ‘Can’t Attend/Late for shift’ and then select the correct job. You must do this because it gives the logistics team a better chance of finding a replacement and therefore keeping the client happy.
If you don’t turn up for a shift and do not communicate this via the myflex app, your reliability index score will be severely affected.
How do I manage my availability?
(Video music by https://www.bensound.com)